Daf Yomi Yerushalmi - With Shlomo Shulman. Sunday-Thursday evenings 8:30-9:10 in Classroom 1 If you cannot attend in person, please join us via zoom.
Meeting ID: 827 5322 4424 Passcode: yerushalmi
tfillah chabura
rabbi sklare's parsha podcast
Sefer hakuzari podcast with rabbi marwick
Shomrei is excited to start publishing Rabbi Marwick's new Sefer Hakuzari podcast.
It is available on:
Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/7yulbbuJmTFhHzSQYZAmI7),
Anchor.FM (https://anchor.fm/shomrei-emunah),
PocketCasts (https://pca.st/zqvbgte3),
RadioPublic (https://radiopublic.com/sefer-hakuzari-podcast-with-rabbi-GmLMVN),
Breaker (https://www.breaker.audio/sefer-hakuzari-podcast-with-rabbi-marwick)
and will be available in the next week on Google Podcasts App using this link.
Daf yomi
Please join Rabbi Hauptman for his daily daf yomi shiur. The group started Maseches Pesachim the third week in November! The shiur takes place via Zoom, Sunday through Friday, from 6:00-6:50 am.
Please click here for the Zoom link. Password: mechina
zoom invitation
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/9679792492
Password: 203884
Meeting ID: 967 979 2492
One tap mobile: +19292056099,,9679792492#
Call-in: +1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 967 979 2492
Click to donate
Vaccine Policy for All Attendees of Shomrei Emunah
In an effort to ensure that our shul remains a healthy and safe environment for all members of our community, the shul’s policy is that any individual who has not received the vaccinations required by Maryland State for students attending school (please click here for current listing) may not enter the shul or its premises. If someone has a medical reason why they should not receive the vaccinations, that individual may request an exemption by contacting Rabbi Marwick (rabbimarwick@shomreiemunah.org).
Limud kitzur shulchan aruch yomi
Shomrei recently initiated a limud of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Yomi. Click here for the schedule. Keeping to this schedule of daily learning will allow us to complete the entire Sefer in a year!
Children's Library at Shomrei
We are excited to announce that a fantastic Jewish Children’s Library for the greater Baltimore community is based at our Shul. The library’s hours are 10-11 AM on Sunday mornings and 2-3 PM on Friday afternoons or 3:00-4:00 beginning in March until the time changes, and is located in Classroom 3. Shomrei members receive premium membership rates of $18/year reduced from $36 per year. For more information see www.jclbaltimore.org. A big thank you to Faige Katz, Rachael Kossman, and the entire library team for creating such a wonderful community resource and extending these privileges to Shomrei members.
Thu, March 20 2025
20 Adar 5785
6221 Greenspring Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21209
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