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Learning Opportunities with Rabbi Marwick

  • Shomrei Post-Carpool Shiur for Women: a weekly discussion of contemporary issues connected to the Parsha. Meets Tuesdays at 9:30am.
  • Contemporary Halachic Issues: Meets Thursday mornings at 9:15am. For more information contact David Bienenstock at
  • “Pizza & Parsha” for Students & Young Professionals ages 17-29. This program is dedicated L’ilui Nishmas Gilad Schwartz and sponsored by the Mayer Family. Takes place at 7:30pm on Thursdays.
  • Halachic Themes from the Parsha Shiur. Meets Thursdays at 10:15pm.  
  • Shabbos Afternoon Shiur: See weekly bulletin for exact time.
  • Mishnayos Shiur for Boys in 5th, 6th grade. The shiur takes place in Rabbi Marwick’s office and is learning Maseches Megilla. See weekly bulletin for exact time. 
  • Shiur on Jewish Thought: Meets Thursdays and is for 11th and 12th grade high school boys in Knish Shop party room.

More Learning Opportunities

Rabbi Shmuel Iser - Rosh Kollel of Shomrei Night Kollel

After high school, Rabbi Iser attended Yeshivas Shalom Rav in Tzefas and the hesder yeshiva Maale Gilboa.  He also learned for two years in Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush) in Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's zt'l shiur. Rabbi Iser eceived a bachelors degree from Johns Hopkins with a double major in modern European Intellectual History and German Literature, graduating with departmental honors and university honors and phi betta kappa. He still gives a shiur once a week at Johns Hopkins to students.  Rabbi Iser lives with wife and two sons and learns in Kollel of Ner Israel.

Rabbi Iser is the Rosh Kollel of the Shomrei Night Kollel, which meets Sunday through Thursday from 8:30-10pm

Rabbi Azriel Hauptman - Daf Yomi

Rabbi Azriel Hauptman is a musmach of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel of Baltimore. He also studied in Yeshivas Mir of Yerushalayim. Rabbi Hauptman is a Rosh Chabura in the high school of Ner Yisorel in addition to teaching Hebrew Grammar and Jewish History. Additionally, he is a writer for Rav Yaakov Moshe Kulefsky Publications, which is a foundation dedicated to the dissemination of the shiurim of the late Rosh Yeshiva. Rabbi Hauptman also runs the Baltimore division of Relief Resources which provides mental health referrals to members of the community.

Rabbi Hauptman leads the Daf Yomi shiur every morning one hour before the 6:50/7:00am Shacharis

Dr. Shalom Kelman - Daf Yomi 

Dr. Shalom Kelman attended Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh in 1973 followed by three years of intensive studies under Rav Herschel Schachter.  For the last 15 years he engaged in weekly learning sessions with Rav Yehuda Copperman.  He has published in the areas of Gevulot HaAretz and Kedushat Yerushalim and frequently speaks at Torah institutions including RIETS and Yad Harav Herzog in Jerusalem. He has presented the Shabbos Daf Yomi at Shomrei Emunah since 2000.

Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum - Gemara Shiur

Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum came to Ner Israel from Harrisburg,Pennsylvania in 1969 and has remained ever since.  He is the highly popular 12th grade Rebbe in the Israel Henry Beren Mechina High School. He maintains a warm relationship with former students and even many years later, is invited to their happy events.

He has been giving a Monday night shiur of Gemara in depth for at least 20 years . This shiur is presently housed at Somrei Emunah. In addition, Rabbi Rosenbaum also has assumed he Gemara Shiur at the Adas that was taught for many years by his late father in law, Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Kulefsky zt"l,

The Shiur meets every Monday from 8:30-9:30pm in the Shomrei Board Room.

Mrs. Ruth Shane - Tanach Shiur

Ruth M. Shane is a native Baltimorean, a member of the Poliakoff-Schwartz mishpocha. She is a graduate of Bais Yaakov of Baltimore and Barnard College. She holds a graduate degree from Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. She is a long-time student of Rabbi David Fohrman and Menachem Leibtag’s Virtual Beit Midrash of Yeshivat Har Etzion. Ruth has 3 married children who live in the Baltimore-Washington area. She is the senior technician in the Molecular Pathology clinical laboratory of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Mrs. Shane gives a weekly Tanach shiur that is held every Sunday at 9am in the Board Room. The shiur has been meeting since 2006.  For further information and class schedule changes, please contact

Rabbi Yonah Sklare - Resident Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Yonah Sklare was raised in Baltimore by his parents, Dr. Daniel and Yudis Sklare, and educated in Ner Israel where he went on to receive both smicha and a PhD in Talmudic law. He is marbitz Torah as a Rosh Chaburah in the Olney Kollel, author of the multi-volume Sefer B'nai Yonah and in weekly lectures around Baltimore, specifically in Shomrei Emunah. He has gained a wide following in the shul who appreciate his creative approach, which ''plays'' with the text and ''connects the dots'' to reveal larger patterns in Torah. Rabbi Sklare's shiurim have introduced an exciting new dimension to the learning at Shomrei. His charisma and charm have not only attracted students but cultivated friendships as well.

Rabbi Sklare gives an advanced gemara shiur on Sunday nights from 8-9pm, a Parsha shiur on Wednesday nights from 8-9pm, and a Pirkei Avos shiur Monday through Thursday from 7:45-8:15am in the Board Room.

Fri, March 21 2025 21 Adar 5785