Rabbi Binyamin Marwick
Rabbi Binyamin Marwick
You can reach Rabbi Marwick via email at:
Rabbi Binyamin Y. Marwick became our Rav in July 2010. During the previous year, he served as our Interim Rav.
For the previous 3 years, Rabbi Marwick served as Director of the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus at Johns Hopkins University. Working for the Orthodox Union and Hillel, he served as the rabbi for the Orthodox students, faculty, and staff at the University’s Homewood Campus.
Rabbi Marwick grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland, and graduated from the Hebrew Academy of Greater Washington. He received his Rav U’Manhig and Yoreh Yoreh semichas from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, where he learned for 9 years. Before that, he learned in Eretz Yisrael at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh (2 years) and The Chevron Yeshiva (1 year).
In addition to his rabbinical degrees and training, Rabbi Marwick earned Bachelors and Masters degrees in Talmudic Law from Ner Israel Rabbinical College. He later earned a Masters of Science degree in Education and a Certificate in School Administration from Johns Hopkins University. He also passed the CPA exam in Delaware.
While learning at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Rabbi Marwick trained with Baltimore’s Beis Din L’Inyonei Ishus, concentrating on hilchos gittin. He studied hilchos nidda with Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer and hilchos kashrus through the Star-K. He also worked as a rabbinic intern for Rabbi Moshe Hauer at Congregation B’nai Jacob Shaarei Zion.
Rabbi Marwick teaches many shiurim at Shomrei Emunah, on a wide variety of topics, engaging all age groups. These include: Ramban al haTorah, contemporary halachic topics, Gemara Brachos b'iyun, parsha for women, “pizza and parsha shiur” for college students, and a “Mishna club” for middle-school boys. In addition, he provides leadership and pastoral guidance for our congregants.
Rabbi Marwick is a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and the Vaad HaRabbonim of Baltimore. He is also active in the broader Jewish community by serving on the Vaad haChinuch of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim (Talmudical Academy of Baltimore), the rabbinic advisory board of Ohr Chadash Academy, and on the Board of Directors of The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore and Baltimore’s Center for Jewish Education. In addition, he was appointed by Governor Martin O’Malley in 2011 to a 6-year term on the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights.
Rabbi Marwick and his wife, Rebbitzin Dr. Miriam Marwick, have six children—Moshe, Chana, Aliza, Avraham, Tehilla and Shira Rachel.
Where What When article about Rabbi Marwick.
Rabbi Marwick's Shiurim
Click here to listen to Rabbi Marwick's shiurim.
Fri, March 21 2025
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