Youth Director
Getting to know Eli and Elisheva Frankel, Youth directors
Eli and Elisheva, it is great to have you at Shomrei Emunah.
Can you tell us a little about yourselves?
Eli: I grew up in Boro Park, New York. I went to Mir Brooklyn then Mir Yerushalayim then Drillman's in Flatbush. I moved to Baltimore when I got married to Elisheva and went to Ner Israel for 2 years. I got my BS in Mechanical Engineering from UMBC.
Elisheva: I was born and grew up in Baltimore, right here at Shomrei, and I attended Bais Yaakov and went to Maalot for college. I teach nursery and I am most famous in Baltimore for my Pre-Yom Tov camps.
Can you tell us about your work in the Jewish community?
Eli: I used to be a counselor at Shoresh and then was the communications director. Now I am a part of Project Smile -- we visit children who are in the hospital and uplift them through music and dancing, bringing smiles to those sick children. I feel that my day has changed for the better even more than those children because I know I have made such an incredible impact on their lives.
Elisheva: I was the head counselor at Camp Shoresh for ten years and then I was their program director for five years.
What attracted you to this work?
Eli: I was eager to do more for the Jewish community.
Elisheva: I love working with kids of all different ages and it’s important for them to have a good time while being in a great environment.
Is there anything else you could tell us of your background? Do you have any other interests?
Eli: On Rosh Hashana, I am one of the baalei tefiloh at Shomrei Emunah.
Elisheva: I love traveling and I do it a lot. I grew up in a Jewish community and would daven at Shomrei, so I’ve been going here since I was little. I’ve also had a lot of different jobs. I was a secretary of a school, I worked for Park Heights Roofing, and I have a license for real estate which I do on the side.
What is your vision for the Shomrei Youth department?
Eli: My wife knows what she is doing and is the best at what she does. She is the creative powerhouse. My vision is my wife’s vision.
Elisheva: I hope to give kids a sense of structure and schedule so they are able to come excited for our Shul and program. There will be fun activities for the whole family. I want the kids to feel the structure and know what’s going on. I hope to do a good job following in Dov Ocken‘s footsteps.
How do you hope to get kids and young families involved following the pandemic?
Eli: We will continue following guidelines and do what we can to bring the community together. This is what Judaism is all about. We also want to bring a normal sense to it all.
Elisheva: I am so impressed with the age range from infants to middle school of the Shomrei Youth groups for different kids in the community. I hope for every kid to love to come to our Shul so their parents can daven and relax.
Where can everyone find out about the upcoming events?
They can use the Shul bulletin and look on Shomrei emails and website and we will additionally be updating through our social media accounts.
-- Interview by Ayelet Friedman
rabbi Mordechai Bennett, teen minyan rabbi
About our Teen Minyan Rabbi
Mordechai Bennett is our Teen Director! During the year, he is the beloved fourth and fifth grade Rebbe at Ohr Chadash Academy and manages their popular Motzei Shabbos Learning program. He is known for his professional demeanor, enthusiasm for teaching, and focus on developing a meaningful relationship with each of his students. When not in school, Rabbi Bennett enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters Tila and Libby, learning, and playing hockey. Having spent four year in Kollel Avodas Levi, Rabbi Bennett holds a Bachelor’s of Talmudic Law from Ner Israel Rabbinical College, and a Master’s in Education from Johns Hopkins University.
Rabbi Bennett can be reached at
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